
Rainbow Club - aftercare at Valley Pre-Primary

Valley Pre-Primary Rainbow Club provides a daily aftercare facility from 12.15 until 5.30 p.m. for children aged between 4 and 7 years of age. Children are provided with a nutritious cooked meal and have a choice of fun, teacher-directed activities, both indoors and out, as well as free play in the large, shady grounds, which are well-equipped with jungle gyms and swings, a cycle track, sandpits and water play ponds. The facility can be used on either an hourly ad-hoc basis by parents needing an occasional afternoon without their children, or as a permanent option for working parents.

Valley has an arrangement with teachers offering extra-mural activities in Hout Bay, such as Drama, Ballet, Playball, Karate and Tennis, to collect children from Valley after school and return them to aftercare. All of these extra-mural activities take place in surrounding facilities within two minutes walking distance i.e. the Museum Hall and tennis courts just below Valley, Kronendal Primary across the road, or the Scout Hall on the Hout Bay Common.

During school holidays the aftercare continues to run as the Valley Holiday Club and is open to the community. Morning sessions are offered, subject to a minimum number of children being registered. The Club is run by student teachers who bring a fresh approach to the wide range of fun workshops and activities offered.

Valley’s Rainbow Aftercare and Rainbow Holiday Club give working and busy parents peace of mind! Application forms and the fee structure are available from the school office or the website:

Download the aftercare application form and fee structure

Dee Mulholland Ph. 021 790 1540
e-mail: or